Friday, December 7, 2018

The Black Trials by Tara Benham

Genre: Dystopian
Rating: 4.5 stars

Fanya has just turned sixteen and is about to complete the government mandated trials for entering adulthood. She, like every other sixteen year old headed to the training center, knows little about what will happen. When she gets there, she is surprised to discover that she has extra tasks to complete, and people keep telling her that she is "special" and she "thinks differently" than everyone else. After completing what is called "The Black Trial" (an additional task almost no one else has to do) she is scheduled to face three of her worst nightmares. Can she survive the nightmares-come-to-life? If she does, what does the government have in store for her?

I'm always up for a good dystopian novel, and this one certainly keep me guessing. It was full of little twists and turns and unexpected things. It got really exciting when they sent her off to the location of her nightmare trials. That part was delightfully creepy -- like some kind of horror movie! I feel like I would be spoiling the book to remark on too much more, but I really did enjoy this book a lot. It is a quick read, and it's fairly unique. It does remind me of the Maze Runner series a bit, and it's always just a little frustrating to read books that end on cliffhangers, but I will definitely be picking up the next book. The "chosen one" trope is not my favorite (and I was getting sort of irriated at EVERYONE blowing sunshine up Fanya's nose about how she was so "special") but I thought the book was enjoyable despite that, and I understand that things aren't always as they appear. There is much that will be revealed later, I am sure!

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