Genre: Fantasy/Romance (Short story)
Rating: 5/5
Patience is a recently graduated art student working at Dairy Queen. During one particularly crummy shift, a handsome stranger comes in and orders a Blizzard. After some shenanigans ensue with a couple of creepy villains, Patience and Gideon leave Dairy Queen in his Mustang. Patience quickly learns that Gideon is not a normal person... They spend an exciting evening together, and the rest is history.
Kristy Nicolle is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors ever. I absolutely adored "Something Blue," a dystopian romance, so I joined her group and started following her on Facebook. It turns out that Something Blue was sort of an anomaly for her, and she has this whole other mermaid universe going on!
I have the first three books of the Tidal Kiss Trilogy, but I have been bogged down with so many other things that I have not had time to sit down and read them. When she released this prequel, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to get an introduction to the series.
I was not disappointed! Kristy has such an amazing talent with words. Gideon and Patience are very likable, and you immediately find yourself drawn in and rooting for them. I don't know anything about how their story turns out apart from the "present day" scenes, but the promise of the heartbreak, adventures, and struggles to come is really wonderful. I am even more eager than ever to begin reading the main series. I know Kristy has put a lot of thought into the universe, and I am excited about "diving in." :-)
Purchase the series by following the links below:
Waiting for Gideon
The Kiss that Killed Me
The Kiss that Saved Me
The Kiss that Changed Me
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