Genre: Horror/Paranormal
Rating 4.5/5
I am glad that I had a chance to read this book because it is not my usual genre, but I found it to be quite delightfully creepy and emotional. It is pretty dark and depressing at times, but as I have thought about the book since reading it initially, I realized that it has stuck with me. Readers will want to keep in mind that there are MORE books in this series. The main character goes through some rough stuff, but the next book answers some of the questions and is a little lighter.
A man loses his wife and child and spirals into an abyss of grief, trying to kill himself slowly because he wants to torture himself for not being there to save his loved ones. His grief is so powerful that it attracts a demon to him. She visits him and causes him even more grief, despite him trying to escape the nightmares of his life. She will not leave him alone, and he must figure out a way to get rid of this strange and seductive demon woman.
As noted, it's pretty dark, but there IS light at the end of the tunnel and this is an AWESOME series!
Great job, Mr. Evans!
Other ratings:
Violence: Mild - There is very little actual violence. There are things implied, such as a woman being burned at the stake, and the man's family dies in a car accident. This is disturbing, but nothing is too graphic.
Profanity: Mild - Very mild language is used. Nothing excessive.
Sexuality: Medium- There are a few sex scenes in the book that are described in moderate detail. Nowhere near the level of erotica.
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(Also check out the next book in the series, "The Mark" (an AWESOME book as well)
*NOTE - I helped edit this series!
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